Submissions, research and reports

CYDA’s submission to the National Housing and Homelessness Plan

CYDA policy submission.

Safe, secure housing is not a privilege but a fundamental human right. Lack of affordable housing places any individual at risk of housing stress, making them susceptible to homelessness.

The consequences of housing stress and homelessness are even more dire on the lives of children and young people with disability, affecting their physical and mental health, education, employment, and leaving them at risk of exploitation and abuse. It can also trap them in a cycle of poverty, hindering their prospects for the future.

In CYDA’s submission we welcome the government’s vision to develop a National Housing and Homelessness Plan, recognising the urgency of the issue. Due to their unique vulnerabilities and the adverse effects of homelessness children and young people with disability require a comprehensive approach that encompasses investment in several areas.

We advocate for:

  • Affordable and accessible housing
  • Increased income support
  • A national data and research strategy
  • A collaborative co-design approach. 

We believe that by working together and heeding the voices of those affected, we can ensure that the Plan truly prioritises the needs and aspirations of our youth, paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable society.

Every child, regardless of their abilities, deserves a safe and stable home.

You can download the PDF and Word versions of our full submission using the buttons above.

CYDA policy submission.

