Become a member
About membership at CYDA
Children and Young People with Disability Australia is a member-based organisation. Our members add strength to our efforts to advocate for the rights, equal opportunities and inclusion of children and young people with disability.
Full Membership
Young people with disability, 18-25 years, and immediate family or caregivers of children or young people with disability, can become full members for free. Full members have the right to vote in general meetings and can nominate to be on the Board of Directors.
Associate Membership
Associate (non-voting) membership is also open to anyone 18 years or over, who would like to support our work for a small annual fee.

Members of CYDA can:
- come to General Meetings (full members can vote on important decisions and can be nominated to join the Board)
- receive updates on CYDA's projects, events, opportunities and workshops
- have an impact by taking part in consultations, surveys, forums and focus groups
- meet with the CEO, CYDA leadership and Youth Council members at regular member's webinars
- stay up to date on government policies that impact children and young people with disability
How to apply
To apply for membership, please fill out the form below. If you would like support to fill out the form, you can call us on 1800 222 660 or email [email protected].