CYDA a partner in new ECI Review

A photograph shows a young child using a paintbrush and blue paint to draw an outline around their left hand.



Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) is proud to announce its involvement in a new consortium to independently review best practice in early childhood intervention (ECI).

Funded by the Department of Social Services, this consortium is led by Professor Christine Imms of the University of Melbourne in partnership with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Professionals and Researchers in Early Childhood Intervention, SNAICC – National Voice of our Children, and CYDA.

It will draw on the lived experience of communities and families, and academic and ECI practice expertise, to develop a new Best Practice Framework for ECI.

The goal is to ensure children with disability or developmental concerns, and their families, are well supported and have every chance to thrive.

“CYDA is delighted to be part of this project and working closely with the range of expertise and experience represented,” said CYDA CEO Skye Kakoschke-Moore.

“Children with disability and their families are critical stakeholders for this Framework. Including the voices of young people with disability will mean that the Framework can bring to life everyday inclusion so crucial for a great start in life.”

Those interested can contact the ECI Review project team at [email protected]

To contribute or to receive updates on progress please register your interest.

For more information or further comment, please contact CYDA:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (03) 9417 1025