The Disabled Employee Podcast – Episode 4: When the contract ends

Text reads "The Disabled Employee". Under the text are three stick figures, one with shoulder length curly hair wearing sunglasses, one with long blond hair using a power wheelchair, and one with purple highlights in their hair holding a cane. In the bottom right corner, hands are typing on a laptop with various snacks and computer equipment strewn about.



Young people with disability often find that the work available to them is short-term contract work. So, how do you cope when you are regularly facing unemployment at the end of your latest contract? Dureece, Thanh and Britt talk about finding the next opportunity, the impact of being of being in limbo between jobs, and the pitfalls of the Disability Support Pension.

The Disabled Employee is a podcast produced and presented by young people with disability. It is produced as part of the DREAM Employment Network, a project by Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA).

[Description: YouTube video displaying stick figures of the three podcasters as they speak.]

About the podcasters:

Young femme presenting Asian person, smiling brightly into the camera, with shoulder length straight black hair, wearing an orange jumper.

Thanh is a law student at Monash University who strives to advocate for inclusion and greater education around disability, particularly in regards to intersectionality. They aim to bring their experience in disability, LGBTQIA+, and linguistically diverse backgrounds into their work. 

Brittney (she/her) is a 22-year-old, born with a rare type of Muscular Dystrophy and other disabilities. Through their experiences and background, Brittney strives to find community, and advocate for those more vulnerable than herself.

An illustration of a young blond woman with prominent teeth and a white dog. with a decorative pink background.
A young person with curly dark hair to their shoulders, wearing a grey jumper and looking into camera.

Dureece is a 25-year-old film student who lives with DPDR, a type of dissociative disorder. As someone with an acquired condition, he is very familiar with the lack of awareness and empathy that many people have towards disabilities. He wants to help close the gap by drawing from his experience as a formerly “able” person.