Submissions, research and reports

Submission to the Disability Royal Commission: Targeted Engagement with young people with disability

CYDA policy submission.

The Hon Ronald Sackville AO QC
Chair of the Royal Commission
Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability

GPO Box 1422

30 November 2022

Dear Commissioner Sackville and fellow Commissioners,

Please accept Children and Young People with Disability Australia’s submission on Targeted Engagement (attached with this letter) as a formal submission into the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission.

The Targeted Engagement involved a series of consultation sessions with six young people with disability. A report summarising consultation participants’ contributions forms this submission which urges the Disability Royal Commission to shine a light on the exclusion, discrimination and mistreatment of children and young people across all systems and areas of life, and in particular we recommend;

We urge the Disability Royal Commission to make bold and targeted recommendations to government to highlight systemic injustices, drive reform and coordinate action to ensure the rights of children and young people are upheld.

If you would like to know more about this submission or CYDA’s work, please feel free to contact me on (03) 9417 1025 or [email protected].

Kind regards,

Dr Liz Hudson
Policy and Research Manager

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CYDA policy submission.

