CYDA’s Federal Election Platform 2022

About the 2022 Election Platform

In 2022, CYDA worked with young people with disability to build a federal election platform, and hold an online forum where young people could speak directly to key politicians about the issues that matter to them.

A simple light green icon of a hand holding a megaphone.

Clearing the Roadblocks: Promoting equitable pathways and opportunities 

In our federal election platform, we asked that the incoming federal government: 

  1. Transform to an inclusive education system
  2. Make early childhood education and care the first step of an inclusive life 
  3. Protect the educational rights of children and young people 
  4. Support young people to find quality and secure employment 
  5. Significantly reform the Disability Support Pension to ensure fair access to a financial safety net 
  6. Support young people to gain post-school qualifications 
  7. Ensure accountability across all levels of government to uphold and defend the rights of children and young people 
  8. Create equity for children and young people in the NDIS by providing early support pathways and proportionate access to support 
  9. Protect children and young people from the developmental, social and economic scarring effects of the COVID-19 pandemic 

Young, powerful and engaged: CYDA’s Federal Election Forum 

In the lead up to the election, we hosted a free, online forum where young people with disability could have a conversation with key politicians about government decisions that impact their lives.  

All the questions came from young people in the chat, or were submitted before the event. 

You can watch the full forum here with captions and Auslan. 

Presented by: Kay Barnard  


Senator Hollie Hughes (Liberal Party of Australia, Senator for NSW) 

Hon Bill Shorten MP (Australian Labor Party, Shadow Minister for the NDIS and Government Services) 

Senator Jordan Steele-John (Australian Greens, Senator for WA)