Do you need help?
CYDA is a systemic advocacy organisation
This means we work with government and organisations to improve policy that impacts the lives of children and young people with disability and their families.
CYDA does not, at this time, provide advocacy for individual people who need help.
If you need:
- information about disability services
- help with a disability related problem
- to make a complaint about an organisation or service
you might find what you are looking for with the links below 👇
Image: A multitude of brightly coloured handprints layered over each other.
Helpful links:
If you are in immediate danger:
Call emergency services on 000.
For information on disability services:
Visit the government’s Disability Gateway website.
To find an individual advocacy service in your area:
Search on the Ask Izzy website.
If you are experiencing, or you have witnessed, abuse and neglect:
Call the The National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline.
The hotline is a free, independent and confidential service for reporting abuse and neglect of people with disability.
The Hotline works with callers to find appropriate ways of dealing with reports of abuse or neglect through referral, information and support.
If you would like to make a complaint about an NDIS service:
You can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.
If you still can’t find what you need, you can contact us at the CYDA office:
Phone: 1800 222 660
Email: [email protected]
Postal: PO Box 172, Clifton Hill, VIC, 3068
We might make a referral or direct you to the right advocacy organisation to support you.