What is advocacy?

Different types of Advocacy

There are three different types of advocacy:

Young person with long fair hair wearing large headphones, sitting in front of a computer screen and smiling at the camera. There is a large printer on the shelf behind her, and the power wheelchair she is using is just visible at the bottom of the frame.
CYDA Youth Council member Brittney Wilson.
A young woman with bright pink hair, lipstick and jacket. She is on a stage, holding a paper and speaking into a microphone. There is signage behind her with CYDA branding on it. She is using a manual wheelchair.
Zoe Simmons, speaker at the 2023 National Youth Disability Summit

Self advocacy 

Self-advocacy is when a person advocates for their own rights and needs. At CYDA, we support young people with disability to become self-advocates through our Young Leaders Program.

Individual advocacy

Individual advocacy is when a person, or an organisation, helps you to stand up for your rights, or to express your views, needs or wishes.  

There are organisations that are funded to do individual advocacy for people with disability, their families and caregivers. You can find out more about them in the Do you need help?” section of this website.

Systemic advocacy

Systemic advocacy is working toward long-term changes to laws, policies and practices, to support the rights and wellbeing of a given group. CYDA engages in systemic advocacy for children and young people with disability by:
Three people smiling standing next to each other, the person in the middle wearing a suit and tie.
CYDA Youth Council member Danny Dickson, Minister Bill Shorten and CYDA CEO Skye Kakoschke-Moore at the National Youth Disability Summit, 2023.
CYDA board members with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the NDIS Jobs and Skills Forum 2022. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is sat with a board member standing either side of him, and two other people looking towards the group and the camera.
CYDA Board members Ebe Gannon and Margherita Dall'Occo-Vaccaro with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the NDIS Jobs and Skills Forum, 2022.
Minister Anne Aly and a young person holding a National Youth Disability Summit, 2023 cut out and smiling together.
Minister Anne Aly and CYDA staff member Husna Amani at the National Youth Disability Summit, 2023.