Children and Young People with Disability Australia supports the Disability Royal Commission’s plan to end discriminatory restrictive practice against people with disability

CYDA Media Release.



⚠️ Content note: Restrictive practices

Restrictive practices start early and have lifelong trauma and life-altering effects on young people with disability, and their sense of self and identity.

The Disability Royal Commission has released a report today with an eight-point action plan to eliminate restrictive practices. They recommend governments immediately prohibit the use of restrictive practices on a discriminatory basis against people with disability.

Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) was on the expert advisory group for the report.

CYDA chief executive officer Skye Kakoschke-Moore said, “We are relieved to see the publication of this significant and vital work by the Disability Royal Commission. We look forward to the government’s response and to seeing some significant changes in the Disability Services Sector and the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework.”

For media enquires, please contact:

Sonia Regan
Community Impact Manager
Children and Young People with Disability Australia

[email protected]