CYDA celebrates inclusion and diversity in children’s literature with 45 children’s book reviews by young people with disability

A patchwork of children's picture book covers with a theme of diversity and inclusion, and profile pictures of young people and children. Text in the top left reads: "Look! It's Me! Children's picture books about diversity and inclusion, reviewed by young people with disability." next to a blue icon of a book. In the bottom-right in the logo for Children and YOUng People with Disability Australia, and the hashtag #IDPwD



There is a growing genre of children’s picture books celebrating the lives, adventures and differences of people with disability. That is something to celebrate on International Day of People with Disability!

We want to see children’s books about inclusion and diversity in schools, libraries, bookstores, and on the shelves in family homes. We want children with and without disability to know that difference is a normal part of life, and to feel comfortable talking about it with their friends and the adults in their lives.

With that in mind, we asked 15 young people with disability, aged 9 – 26, to review 38 children’s picture books about diversity and inclusion, and WOW, did they deliver!

If you’re stocking up for story-time in the classroom next year, or just looking for a good book to put under the Christmas tree, check out what our reviewers have to say! They’ve made blogs, videos, creative designs, and some excellent short and sharp reviews, to help you decide which of these books are for you.

We’re not making any profit from the sale of these books, but we have provided easy links to Amazon and other bookshops to take the hard work out of finding them online.