Submissions, research and reports

CYDA’s submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Extent and Nature of Poverty

Response to inquiry.

“… [T]he Disability Support Pension is ridiculous to get on. I've submitted my application now that I’ve been diagnosed but I'm just waiting now. But they're making it harder for people on JobSeeker [sic] to even live because they're going to force us to do 20 [job applications] a month just for an increase of $50 a fortnight, which is still below the poverty line. And I'm already panicking about that. And I think the government really needs to take a step back and see what they're doing to disabled people and how it affects people with different disabilities, because it's ruining us.”

This submission makes clear the intersectional and multifaceted nature of poverty. Young people with disability their families and caregivers face additional vulnerability due to unique experiences of oppression and discrimination.

CYDA calls for the solutions to be equally intersectional and multifaceted and under-pinned by a whole of life / life course approach.

The recommendations address several life domains and call for widespread policy reform and greater investment in policies and programs that impact the lives of children and young people with disability.

Download the full submission using the buttons above.

Response to inquiry.

