Disability groups fight to end segregation of people with disability in Australia

young woman sitting at a desk, looking down towards book, with pink hair.




Segregation is discrimination

CYDA and 41 other disability rights and advocacy organisations have endorsed a position paper asking the Disability Royal Commission to actively work toward the goal of ending the segregation of people with disability in schools, housing and workplaces. People with disability fought long and hard for a Disability Royal Commission, and now we need them to fight for real reform, to fix the discriminatory and exploitative systems that keep us from fully participating in education and employment and living independently. 
You can find out more and join the fight by endorsing the position paper here: This webpage also has the position paper, including Easy Read and Plain English versions.

You can also share the campaign on social media using the hashtag: #EndSegregation
Mary Sayers, CYDA CEO spoke to Pro Bono News and said she would like to see the Disability Royal Commission recommend “.. that segregated education settings be completely phased out across Australia and a national inclusive education plan be developed.”

“We’re not saying it needs to happen overnight and that tomorrow we will start shutting every special school, but we need them to be phased out over time and at the same time be building inclusive environments,” she said.