Inclusion must remain at the heart of early childhood reforms

CYDA Media Release.



Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) is pleased to see the Productivity Commission’s report into early childhood education and care (ECEC) echo longstanding calls for stronger inclusion.

As Australia moves to reform its ECEC system, children with disability must remain a top priority – and this is reflected in yesterday’s release.

“We are heartened by many of the Commission’s proposals,” said CYDA CEO Skye Kakoschke-Moore.

“A revitalised, affordable, and genuinely inclusive ECEC system will be life-changing, especially for children with disability who are proven to benefit most from early intervention supports.”

The Commission’s recommendation to enhance the government’s Inclusion Support Program is a crucial measure for which CYDA has long advocated.

Establishing an ECEC Inclusion Fund, if supported by dedicated streamlined processes for children with disability, would help ensure the sector meets the needs of those it has historically left behind.

Robust investment and timely implementation are even more crucial following recent reforms to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

“Mainstream ECEC services will likely be expected to deliver more early intervention supports as changes to the NDIS progress,” said Ms Kakoschke-Moore.

“It would be a mistake to remove children from the Scheme before these services are fully ready and able to support them.

“What we need is clarity on services’ obligations, as well as strong legal and practical safeguards in the form of amendments to the Disability Standards for Education and the Disability Discrimination Act.”

Beyond this, CYDA welcomes measures to improve the general affordability of ECEC services, including by abolishing “Activity Test” requirements and fully subsidising costs for families on incomes below $80,000.

However, a $10-a-day model, as championed by partner organisation Thrive By Five, would be most effective in keeping fees down.

CYDA also supports calls for stronger accountability and greater investment in professional development on inclusion for ECEC educators.

For more information or further comment, please contact CYDA: 
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (03) 9417 1025