Submissions, research and reports

Inquiry into violence abuse and neglect against people with disability in institutional and residential settings

Response to inquiry.

⚠️ Content note: References to violence, abuse and neglect

Most children with disability in Australia experience some form of abuse throughout their childhood. This submission details blatant examples where incidents are clearly labelled as abuse. These incidents are shocking and some have attracted significant community attention through media reporting. 

However, the range of abusive behaviours, actions and interventions that children and young people with disability are often subjected to typically do not receive requisite attention. These actions often remain unchallenged and unquestioned due to the existence of a pervasive culture of low expectations and negative attitudes that position disability as an inferior characteristic of a person which is seen as a justification for certain circumstances of abuse. 

Download our full response to the inquiry using the buttons above. 

Response to inquiry.

