Submissions, research and reports

LivedX 2022 series: Full policy paper – Community spaces for LGBTQIA+ Youth with disability

LivedX. Icons representing people, LGBTQIA+, education, and money.

“I've noticed in a lot of queer spaces, when I say, ‘Oh, I'm autistic’, I'll get like ‘Oh, bless. My cousin's autistic. He's so cute.’”

LGBTIQA+ youth with disability talk about feeling marginalised because their disabled identity is not considered in queer spaces, and their queer identity is ignored or erased in disability spaces.

Many liked the idea of establishing spaces specifically for queer and disabled people. They also felt that people who identify as queer, disabled, and both, should be in more leadership positions, in and outside of these communities.

LivedX. Icons representing people, LGBTQIA+, education, and money.

