Content note: Discussion of child sexual abuse
There is currently no national data on the prevalence of sexual abuse of children and young people
with disability in Australia. International research indicates that children with disability are
approximately 3.14 times more likely to be sexually abused than other children.1 While existing
research clearly indicates that children with disability are a high risk group where sexual abuse is
concerned, the prevalence of sexual abuse of students with disability is unknown and CDA has
received few direct reports of sexual abuse in education settings. Publicised cases of sexual abuse of
students with disability, including the Royal Commission’s ninth case study into St. Ann’s Special
School in Adelaide and the case of students with disability being sexually abused on school buses in
South Australia in 2011,
2 have rightly prompted significant community concern. However it is
important to note that there is a clear lack of data, research and information in this area.
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