Submissions, research and reports

Schools workforce – productivity commission draft report

CYDA policy submission.

Children with Disability Australia (CDA) responds to The Productivity Commission’s Schools Workforce Draft Research Report.


CDA supports the Report’s finding that high priority “must” be given to workforce policy aimed at reducing educational disadvantage especially for students from “low socioeconomic backgrounds, students living in rural or remote areas, Indigenous students, and/or students with disability or other special needs”. CDA also welcomes the draft recommendation of the Report that the Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs should initiate and oversight “a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the programs and policies to help ameliorate educational disadvantage; including assessments related to teacher training and professional development”.

It is also the view of CDA that whilst the report acknowledges that students with disability experience educational disadvantage that the extent of this disadvantage is understated in the Report.

CYDA policy submission.

