Submissions, research and reports

Towards inclusive education: A necessary process of transformation

Research and reports.

No one is excluded as supports for inclusion are embedded within everyday educational practices. Inclusive education is about everyone learning together, in all our diversity. This means that everyone has genuine opportunities to learn together, with support as needed, and all students are meaningfully involved in all aspects of the curriculum, thus making inclusion a shared experience. There is no ‘type’ of student ‘eligible’ (nor ‘ineligible’) for inclusion – inclusion is about, with and for all of us. Inclusive education involves upholding the dignity of each student in belonging, participating and accessing ongoing opportunities, recognising and valuing the contribution that each student makes, and supporting every student to flourish.

This report was written by Dr Kathy Cologon, Department of Educational Studies, Macquarie University, for Children and Young People with Disability Australia.

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Research and reports.

