Text reads: “Workshop for employers: Diversity of disability and access needs. Wednesday 17 July 10.30am-12pm AEST”. To the right is a photo of a large sunflower next to a green lanyard with sunflowers on it. Below the photo is a purple icon of a key. The logos for the DREAM Employment Network, The Field and CYDA bit bottom left.

Workshop for employers: Diversity of disability and access needs – continuing the conversation

About the workshop:

Back by popular demand!

Accomodating access needs for employees with disability is very often easier than it sounds. This workshop is a unique opportunity to gain first-hand insight into the diversity of disability, how to communicate openly about access needs, and how to effectively accommodate your disabled employees.

Come along with your questions, scenarios, successes and learnings to share and discuss with other employers and disability experts from The Field and CYDA.

Facilitated by:

A fair skinned man with short brown hair wearing glasses, a collared shirt and grey jumper. He is smiling mildly for the camera and sits with one hand resting on the wheel of his manual wheelchair.

Rhys Baxter

With 20 years of diverse professional experience, Rhys Baxter (he/him) merges his skillset with insights gained from his lived experience of disability. Combining visible and non-visible disability experiences, along with a passion for education, Rhys strives to foster meaningful change for the future.

Jess Rosenthal

Jess is based in Naarm (Melbourne) and has been with CYDA since June 2022. In this time, Jess has moved from an administration role to project support, honing their skills at the National Youth Disability Summit, and now working on the DREAM Employment Network and other projects.

Person with fair skin and fair hair smiling into the camera.
Selfie of a woman with fair skin, rosy cheeks and curly brown hair wearing a black and white striped top and smiling slightly.

Lucy Solonsch

Lucy (she/they) is a passionate advocate for human rights and systems change with experience working in LGBTQIA+ and mental health spaces. She is on the board for the South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance and chairs the South Australian LGBTQIA+ Ministerial Advisory Council. Lucy is particularly interested in ensuring that people with lived experience participate in and lead decision making that impacts their lives.

This is a FREE workshop for employers who are members of the DREAM Employment Network. The Network is free to join, and you can sign up when you register for the workshop 👇

