Young disabled advocates honoured during award season

Four photographs of smiling young women placed side by side. The first is wearing glasses and a light blue top. She has fair skin and light brown hair and has Down Syndrome. The second is dressed up in an Asian style, high collar, shimmery dress with their hair in an updo. She has dark hair and olive skin and is standing in front of a backdrop with logos on it. The third has shoulder length dark hair and olive skin. She is wearing a blazer with a blue top and standing outside. The forth is on the cover of a magazine, lounging in a white dress. She has long, dark hair and wears very red lipstick.



A HUGE congratulations to Charlotte Young, Isabella Choate Charlotte Baily and Hannah Diviney for being recognised for their incredible advocacy work in 2023.

In 2023, we’re seeing a significant shift toward young people with disability being acknowledged for their achievements in mainstream award categories (not disability specific!), and we are absolutely here for it.

Charlotte Young, VIC Nominee for Young Australian of the Year

“The co-founder and president of the Australian National University Auslan Club, Charlotte uses her experience as a person with hearing loss to help drive change. The dancer and full-time university student works as an inclusivity consultant to national and international organisations including the Australian Government, Children and Young People with Disability Australia, UNICEF and the U.S. Embassy.”  Read more …

Isabella Choate, Winner of the 2023 WA Young Person of the Year

“Isabella is a lived experience advocate working across youth, disability, mental ill-health, and LGBTIQA+ areas. They are passionate about celebrating intersectional communities and creating opportunities for young people to have a voice.”  Read more …

Charlotte Bailey, ACT Nominee for Young Australian of the Year

“Charlotte Bailey is raising the profile of inclusive employment and providing a strong voice for people living with a disability.  

“She is the ACT’s Down Syndrome Australia employment ambassador, sharing her experience as a young person with a disability with potential employers. She also represented the ACT in the Down Syndrome Australia Right to Work campaign – supporting others to understand workplace expectations, identify their skills and strengths and prepare to apply for jobs. Additionally, Charlotte has spoken internationally at the United Nations World Down Syndrome Day celebrations.” Read more …

Hannah Diviney, Advocate of the Year, Marie Claire 2023 Women of the Year Awards

“Since calling out American superstar Lizzo for using an ableist slur in her song in 2022, Diviney has ignited a global campaign calling for a disabled Disney princess, and also become the first woman with a disability to film a sex scene for Australian TV, in the comedy Latecomers.”  Read more …

The National Disability Leadership Awards #DisabilityAwards2023 are also due to be announced on Sunday 3 December (International Day of People with Disability).