Look, it's me!

Ignores how stressful the first day can be and only focuses on the good

Pet dog Bella, black and white

Review by: Aliyah

Gold coloured stars for the rating - 4 stars.
Pet dog Bella, black and white

Review by:

Gold coloured stars for the rating - 4 stars.
This book cover shows five young people in school uniform holding a sign that shows the text for the title.

Starting School

By Jane Godwin

Ignores how stressful the first day can be and only focuses on the good

Short description of the book: It is about your first days of school.

About the story including what you liked: It is about each child’s different perspective of school and what they do through the day. I liked the illustrations.

What did you not like? It ignores how stressful the first day can be and only focuses on the good.

Book’s message and recommendations: It is a book to help prepare children for school.