Look, it's me!

People who are blind can read the book as well

A photo of a young pale faced girl with long blond, brown hair hugging a well-loved teddy and a brown cat. The cat looks serious, lying on a blue blanket with white spots.

Review by: Lily

Gold coloured stars for the rating - 3 stars.
A photo of a young pale faced girl with long blond, brown hair hugging a well-loved teddy and a brown cat. The cat looks serious, lying on a blue blanket with white spots.

Review by:

Gold coloured stars for the rating - 3 stars.
This image features a zebra walking on a plain white background. The zebra's body is captured in a side profile. The image also features a text sign, presenting the words "DK Braille Animals Knowledge you can touch". Below the text are the same words in Braille.

DK Braille: Animals

By Angela Royston

People who are blind can read the book as well

The book is about different animals it has normal writing about the animals, but it also has braille so that people who are blind can read the book as well and learn about different animals.

I liked the fact that the book had braille writing so that even people who are blind can read the book.

I didn’t like some of the pictures because they looked a bit too real so I think that some of the pictures might scare young children. I also didn’t like the feel of some of the pictures.