Submissions, research and reports

CYDA’s Pre-Budget Submission 2024-25: Charting an Inclusive Path

CYDA policy submission.

The Australian Government has the power to fund short-term initiatives and long-term strategic endeavors that can significantly improve the lives of children and young people with disability.

By investing in interventions and strategies to protect and empower this group, the government can support them to thrive now and as they move into adulthood.

In this submission, we spotlight five key areas that demand urgent attention and investment:

  1. Inclusive Education
    CYDA urges the government to invest in transforming education into a truly inclusive model, encapsulated by the theme “Starting together, staying together”.

  2. NDIS Review Implementation
    The submission proposes investment in the co-design and development of the new Early Childhood Pathway, as recommended by the NDIS Independent Review.

  3. Inclusive Engagement Across Government Portfolios
    CYDA advocates for the inclusion of children and young people with disability in decision-making processes across government portfolios.

  4. Advocacy for Better Outcomes
    CYDA calls for increased funding for systemic, individual, and local community-based advocacy to improve outcomes for children and young people with disability.

  5. Addressing the Cost-of-Living Crisis
    The submission highlights the urgent need to tackle the cost-of-living crisis impacting children and young people with disability.

Decisive action and increased investment is essential to foster a more inclusive, supportive, and sustainable future for children and young people with disability in Australia.

You can download the PDF and Word versions of our full submission using the buttons above.

CYDA policy submission.

