CYDA welcomes $11.6m funding for the Foundational Supports Strategy but calls for more investment in early childhood support

CYDA Media Release.



Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) welcomes the Australian Government’s allocation of $11.6 million over two years for the development of a Foundational Supports Strategy. 

Thoughtfully designed and implemented foundational supports are essential for ensuring all children and young people with disability, whether NDIS participants or not, get the assistance they need.  

We are pleased to see the prioritisation of co-design and consultation with the disability community and a commitment to leave no one behind. 

The initial investment of $3.6 million for design and consultation work on early childhood support systems is also a positive step. 

However, further investment is necessary, as is the inclusion in future consultations of young people likely to be impacted by these developments. 

Neglecting the specific needs of this group in general and targeted foundational supports could result in their exclusion and have serious impacts on quality-of-life outcomes.  

CYDA’s original submission to the Independent NDIS Review can be viewed here. 

For more information or further comment, please contact CYDA: 

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (03) 9417 1025