Position statements
Ending segregation in education
Starting together, staying together
CYDA’s position paper on ensuring inclusive education and phasing out segregated education
“Choice is not the right term when you are asking me to choose between two things that do NOT deliver – isolating my child from our local community or a system that doesn’t support her to learn.
“That’s not a choice.”
– Parent of a child with disability aged 12
Joint position papers
Two major position papers that have been produced by Australian disability rights and advocacy organisations (including CYDA) in recent years, can be downloaded below.
Disability Rights Now 2019
Australian Civil Society Shadow Report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: UN CRPD Review 2019
This report outlines where Australia is failing to meet its human rights obligations to people with disability in a wide range of areas. These include: housing, education, employment, healthcare and income support.
CYDA was one of the organisations in the working group that produced the report.
End Segregation
In 2020, disability rights and advocacy organisations, including CYDA, worked together to produce a position paper on ending the segregation of disabled people in a range of areas including housing, education, healthcare and employment.
The paper was presented to the Disability Royal Commission with the support of 67 organisations.