Black text and images on a teal background. On the left is a microphone, on the right a wheel. Between these text reads: "Nation Youth Disability Summit 2024, Identity, Community, Empowerment, Change.

About the National Youth Disability Summit

The National Youth Disability Summit 2024 was a two-day hybrid event for young people with disability from all over Australia

The 2024 Summit was the fourth National Youth Disability Summit run by CYDA. It was designed for and by young people with disability and it was a great opportunity to connect and talk about identity, community, empowerment and creating change. 

Guest presenters included Senator Jordon Steele-John, AuDHD advocate Emily Unity and Olivia Beasley from Deaf Youth Australia. We also had Q&A panels with CYDA’s Youth Council and Trainees, time for discussion, social activities, spaces for creativity and opportunities for young people to learn about, and develop, their advocacy skills. 

CYDA staff and Youth Council at the 2024 National Youth Disability Summit.
A panel of four young people speaking from a stage. The woman on the right is using a manual wheelchair and has a service dog lying next to her. The two people on the left are wearing face masks. Behind them is a projector screen with lots of people in a Zoom meeting.
Ezra Burnett, Izzie Choate, Louise Weekley and Grace Garrahy speaking at the 2024 National Youth Disability Summit.

Themes of the 2024 National Youth Disability Summit

The Summit was co-designed by CYDA’s Youth Council. The Youth Council chose three topics to talk about at the Summit in 2024. These were:

How to find and build a community, get support, and make sure no one is left behind.

Self-advocacy, setting boundaries, telling your story, overcoming internalised ableism and different relationships with disability pride.

Grassroots and systemic advocacy, challenging ableism, and how to make change in a way that works for you. 

What's next?

As part of the 2024 National Youth Summit, young people with disability were invited to contribute to a Summit Zine with their thoughts, feelings, and creative works about the themes and discussions that took place at the Summit.

We look forward to sharing the Zine in July 2024!

12 people in a Zoom meeting smiling for the cameras. Four of them have backgrounds with National Youth Disability Summit branding including a teal and orange logo and graphics of a microphone and a wheel.
Online attendees of the 2024 National Youth Disability Summit.

Supported by

The Summit was made possible with Information Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) funding from the Department of Social Services (DSS).