
What is advocacy?

Learn about the type of advocacy work we do at CYDA. 

Youth led advocacy

Find out about the advocacy work being led by young people with disability at CYDA.

Do you need help?

Information for young people and families on where to find disability supports and advocacy services.

Federal Election 2025

This election, CYDA is calling for urgent and genuine action across four key areas to improve outcomes for children and young people with disability, and their parents and caregivers.

Image: A young woman with pink and blond hair, heavy make-up and hoop earrings wearing a purple jumper and leaning on a pink wall, looking at the camera with a serious expression.

Image: A small blond child with fair skin, pigtails and a hearing aid, holding red sunglasses around her neck.

Early childhood inclusion

At CYDA, we advocate for full inclusion of children with disability in early childhood education and care.

Submissions, research and reports

An important part of the work we do at CYDA is making submissions to government and policy makers. In our submissions, we make recommendations for changes to uphold the rights, and improve the wellbeing, of children and young people with disability.