Submissions, research and reports

CYDA’s submission on the Draft Report of the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Early Childhood Education and Care

CYDA policy submission.

CYDA supports the draft recommendations of the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Early Childhood Education and Care Draft Report.

In our submission, we outline what we believe is missing and ask the Commission to go further to support children with disability in their experience of early childhood education and care.

We call on Productivity Commissioners Lisa Gropp, Martin Stokie, and Deborah Brennan to imagine what it would look like if children were supported in their local communities to enjoy and fully participate in the everyday – embracing new life, playing with friends, developing new skills, and starting school.

Our 26 recommendations include:

  1. Alignment
    CYDA suggests alignment of the policy priorities of the Early Years Strategy closely to the Early Childhood Targeted Action Plan as outlined in Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031

  2. Workforce
    CYDA urges the Inquiry to recommend investment in training and support for educators, teachers, and related professional and specialist staff working with and supporting inclusive education across all life stages

  3. Co-design
    CYDA asks the Inquiry to make recommendations in respect of the NDIS Review new early childhood pathway recommendations and invest in co-design with disability representative organisations

You can download the PDF and Word versions of our full submission using the buttons above.

CYDA policy submission.

