Submissions, research and reports

CYDA’s submission to Australia’s Youth Engagement Strategy

CYDA policy submission.

CYDA responds to the Federal Government’s Australian Youth Strategy by calling for a more inclusive strategy that amplifies the voice of Australia’s disabled youth 

CYDA’s submission includes five policy papers written and designed by young disabled people from the CYDA community.  Entitled the LivedX series, the papers bring attention to the issues for young people with disability.  The series brought together young people from around Australia to share their insights, experiences and ideas for a future that embraces young people with disability and enables them to thrive.

The papers highlight the top issues that young people want the government to address, including:

  1. Tertiary Education and Learning – Improved accountability systems for education providers, additional education and training for staff and peers, universal design approaches to learning and education, and increased holistic supports for young disabled people.

  2. Financial Security and Employment – Improved employment outcomes for young people with disability.

  3. Healthcare Settings for LGBTQIA+ Youth with Disability – Healthcare stakeholders to create and foster safe and inclusive spaces and practices for young LGBTQIA+ people with disability to receive the support and treatment they need and are entitled to.

  4. Community Spaces for LGBTQIA+ Youth with Disability – Young people participating also agreed that those who are queer and disabled need more of a voice, both within the queer and disabled communities, and in the broader community. Participants want queer and disabled groups, events, and spaces to be designed and operated by members of their respective communities.

  5. Inclusion and Decision Making – Education and training for community members and service providers on how to support young people with disability in decision making and address bias and power imbalance.

You can download the PDF and Word versions of our full submission using the buttons above.

CYDA policy submission.

