Submissions, research and reports

CYDA’s submission to the Education Department’s Review of the impact of COVID-19 on school students with disability

CYDA policy submission.

The inequalities that drive the exclusion of children and young people from accessing quality education and ultimately an inclusive life, are complex and multi-dimensional. 

CYDA’s community (families, caregivers, children and young people with disability) have told us about the inadequacy of targeted responses for children and young people spanning vaccinations, education, support services and a range of other Covid-19 impacts. 

Children and young people with disability should, therefore, be protected from the developmental, social and economic scarring effects of both; 

a) entrenched inequities in education and 
b) the consequences of COVID-19.  

To ensure that the depth and breadth of the experiences of Covid-19 and the impacts is fully understood, we argue that the Review should take a multi-dimensional approach by considering the broader social and educational context alongside addressing the particular impacts of the pandemic.

Download our full submission using the buttons above.

CYDA policy submission.

