NDIS review a solid plan but all depends on its execution, says CYDA

CYDA Media Release.



Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) applauds the NDIS Review’s strong focus on children and young people but calls for the centring of their lived experience in any future reform. 

CYDA is heartened to see today’s report acknowledging the needs of the community and echoes its calls for a comprehensive and collaborative ecosystem of supports for all, regardless of NDIS eligibility.

With roughly 57% of NDIS participants aged 25 and under, and one in two being children, the changes recommended have the potential to significantly impact the lives of our youngest generations.

“Hundreds of thousands of children and young people with disability across the country have been anxiously waiting to hear what their futures hold,” CYDA CEO Skye Kakoschke-Moore said.

“The 26 recommendations made by the Review panel suggest we’re heading in the right direction – but more needs to be done to ensure children and young people both on and off the scheme get the support they need.

“True reform will take time and can only come about with direct input from people with disability at every stage.”

CYDA welcomes the recommendations in the report that relate to children, particularly the three out of four on the scheme with autism and global developmental delay.

It was pleased to see calls for:

CYDA’s Policy and Research Manager Dr Liz Hudson said, if implemented properly, these reforms could help ease some of the challenges faced by families.

“Time and time again, we have heard the NDIS described as life-changing but too complex, too time-consuming, and too difficult to access,” she said.

“Much of what we saw in today’s report directly addresses the key recommendations CYDA made in its submission to the Review panel in September.

“Of course, the devil is in the detail. This plan will only work if all levels of government commit to a thoughtful and collaborative implementation process.”

CYDA will continue to review the landmark 329-page report.

Its five key asks of the Review can be viewed here.

For more information or further comment, please contact CYDA: 

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (03) 9417 1025