Look, it's me!
An understanding that disabled children, disabled people, have value in our community

Review by: Aegon

An understanding that disabled children, disabled people, have value in our community
The subtitle for ‘Included’ truly encompasses the focus and aim of the story – “a book for all children about inclusion, diversity, disability, equality and empathy.” It introduces us to six children, all with a different disability. Just as children without disabilities do, these six children love to play, read, make, and be silly! They have their strengths, what they’re good at – and they have what they have to work on, what they want to be better at.
And, just as children without disabilities do, these six children want to feel included. ‘Included’ tells us, especially children, how we can be inclusive with our play and interactions and provides reflective questions every two to three pages.
At the end of the book, the author also provides discussion questions for teachers, parents and caregivers according to specific pages. These questions can encourage positive and open conversation between children and their teachers, parents, and caregivers, about disability. From this book, children can begin to form an understanding that disabled children, disabled people, have value in our community. Disability is normalised.