Look, it's me!

It’s a story you would only read once

Pet dog Bella, black and white

Review by: Aliyah

Gold coloured stars for the rating - 3 stars.
Pet dog Bella, black and white

Review by:

Gold coloured stars for the rating - 3 stars.
This is a vibrant cover features diverse cartoon children in various activities that seem to promote inclusivity and self-acceptance. On the lower side is a cheerful child in a green shirt with green and red striped leggings, while the centre presents a man engaged in a yoga pose. On the top left, there is a girl in a wheelchair, who looks like she is singing. The overall design is vibrant and attractive, using a predominant blue colour scheme. The book cover's graphics and illustration style are reminiscent of popular children's cartoons.

All Bodies are Good Bodies

By Charlotte Barkla

It’s a story you would only read once

Short description of the book: Different types of bodies and people who have them. Excellent illustrations showing diversity.

About the story including what you liked: I like that it included kids that didn’t have arms or had prosthetics.

What did you not like? I wasn’t a fan of the art style but it was good for showing diversity. It’s a story you would only read once, but not something you would want to read over and over again.

Book’s message and recommendations: It was about how different kinds of bodies are all good. Very good representation of diversity.