Look, it's me!

Asking questions is how we all grow!

Pet dog Bella, black and white

Review by: Aliyah

Gold coloured stars for the rating - 4 stars.
Pet dog Bella, black and white

Review by:

Gold coloured stars for the rating - 4 stars.
This cover shows a dark-skinned young girl, with her in an up style and with a yellow headband. She is wearing a yellow top with white dots and dark green overalls. Above the girl's head are speech bubbles in greenish colours. She has one hand raised upwards and her other hand is on her hip.

The Girl with Big Big Questions

By Britney Winn Lee

Asking questions is how we all grow!

Short description of the book: She had a lot of questions she wanted to know the answers to but discovered finding the answers was good too.

About the story including what you liked: I liked the colours in the illustrations and the story was interesting.

What did you not like? Nothing

Book’s message and recommendations: That asking questions and discovering the answers is good.

Quote from the book: “The girl knew then that big questions are good and answers aren’t just things to know. They are things to discover alongside each other. Asking questions is how we all grow!”