Submissions, research and reports

Self-Directed Supports submission

Text on an orange speech bubble reads: "Policy submission." The background behind this speech bubble is dark grey. The CYDA logo sits bottom right, while a light green graphic of a document sits top right.

Self-directed supports play a key part in making sure NDIS participants have choice and control over their plans. 

In this submission, CYDA calls on the Department of Social Services (DSS) to improve self-registration, uphold the rights and dignity of NDIS participants, and meaningfully engage children and young people with disability. 

We urge DSS to:

These changes are a step in the right direction to rebuilding community trust in the NDIS.

You can download the PDF and Word versions of our full submission using the buttons above.

Text on an orange speech bubble reads: "Policy submission." The background behind this speech bubble is dark grey. The CYDA logo sits bottom right, while a light green graphic of a document sits top right.

