Submissions, research and reports

The impact of ending mandatory self-isolation periods for people with COVID-19 on children and young people with disability

Survey report.

“By ending the mandatory self-isolation period for people who test positive to COVID-19, we are only decreasing the freedom of people who are at the highest risk of dying from COVID-19. The health of people with disabilities matters.”

On Friday 30 September, 2022, the Australian National Cabinet announced that the self-isolation period for people testing positive to COVID-19 would cease to be mandatory as of Friday 14 October, 2022. 

As the national peak representative organisation for children and young people with disability, we developed a community poll asking how young people with disability and their families will be impacted by this decision. This report summarises the results of the community poll and CYDA’s call to action in response.

You can download our summary report using the buttons above.

Survey report.

