Advocating for inclusive education

CYDA’s advocacy

Fighting for inclusive education is a central part of our work at CYDA, informed by the experiences, challenges and needs of students with disability.  

We learn about these experiences through our education surveys, regular consultation, and by engaging directly with young people at our annual National Youth Disability Summit

CYDA is also part of the Australian Coalition for Inclusive Education (ACIE), where we have worked closely with other organisations in the sector to develop a roadmap to inclusive education in Australia, which you can download below. 

PDF cover with blue, green, orange and grey circular shapes dotted about. Text at the bottom reads: "Driving change: A roadmap for achieving inclusive education in Australia February 2021." The ACIE logo sits bottom -right.

Driving change: A roadmap for achieving inclusive education in Australia

February 2021

What are the barriers to inclusive education?

Some of the barriers to inclusive education are:

The need for advocacy

Even though the Disability Standards for Education have been in place since 2005, and the Disability Discrimination Act since 1992, there are still no effective polices in place to make sure students with disability have equitable access to a quality education. 

We need an independent body to oversee education providers and ensure they are meeting their legal obligation to deliver inclusive education.  

Families, caregivers and young people with disability also need greater access to individual advocacy to support them when they face barriers to inclusive education. 

More investment from the Australian Government in independent disability advocacy organisations would help students with disability to have their right to an inclusive education upheld.  

Three people sitting inside a classroom with one person using a computer. Another person is watching and smiling another person is out of focus in the background.
Two young people sitting outside both smiling.

Driving Change

ACIE roadmap for achieving inclusive education in Australia

Systemic advocacy

CYDA submissions, surveys and research on inclusive education

Fact sheets

Everything you need to know about inclusive education in Australia

Can CYDA advocate for me with my school?

CYDA is not funded to provide individual advocacy, however,
we have some information about how you can find help here.