People with disability invisible in Federal Budget
The 2025 Federal Budget raises more questions than answers about how people with disability are going to be supported through the government’s major reforms to the NDIS.
The 2025 Federal Budget raises more questions than answers about how people with disability are going to be supported through the government’s major reforms to the NDIS.
Young people with disability are leading the fight for reform in Australia but are up against a “growing crisis” of broken systems, according to CYDA CEO Skye Kakoschke-Moore.
The Australian Disability Strategy 2021-2031 must focus on the needs of children and young people with disability or risk entrenching inequality and poor outcomes.
Proposed cuts to NDIS funding for music and art therapy risk leaving thousands of young participants without life-changing support.
Community consultation on Foundational Supports ends today, yet a troubling new survey reveals most people still do not know what they are.
The Australian Government’s proposed legislation to restrict social media access for people under 16 risks seriously harming Australia’s disabled young people.
During last week’s Senate Estimates the Australian Government released its official response to the report on the Purpose, intent, and adequacy of the Disability Support Pension (DSP).
Today, over 660,000 Australians with disability face a challenging new reality as transitional rules for the NDIS come into effect.
Children and Young People with Disability Australia is pleased to see the Productivity Commission’s report into early childhood education and care echo longstanding calls for stronger inclusion.
Children and Young People with Disability Australia calls on the Federal Government to prioritise participants and deliver genuine co-design in the wake of the NDIS Amendment Bill passing this week.
Children and Young People with Disability Australia is deeply disappointed to see the new Better and Fairer Schools Agreement 2025-2034 overlook the needs of students with disability.
Today’s Federal, State and Territory government response to our four-and-a-half-year Disability Royal Commission is deeply disappointing and fails to respond to the scale of violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of people with disability.
We would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the diverse lands from which we work, and pay our respects to their Elders and their connection to land, sea and community. Sovereignty was never ceded and this always was, and always will be, Indigenous Land. We extend these respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders and communities from whose lands you are accessing our website.
© Children and Young People With Disability Australia 2023.