The Disabled Employee Podcast – Episode 1: Jobseeking
Dureece, Thanh and Britt talk about discrimination in recruitment, how they prepare for job interviews, and advocating for their rights in the workplace.
Content by young people with disability. Talking about policy, advocacy and lived experience.
Dureece, Thanh and Britt talk about discrimination in recruitment, how they prepare for job interviews, and advocating for their rights in the workplace.
Izzie Choate takes us on a tour of YDAN, talking about accessibility in the workplace as part of CYDA’s DREAM Employment Network.
Dureece Moyden covers what to do and what NOT to do when it comes to writing disabled characters.
Grace Garrahy talks Chloé Hayden, Heartbreak High and the power of positive representation in media.
Louise Weekley discusses the prevalence of ‘inspiration porn’ in popular culture and how it harms people with disability.
Caitlin Blanch writes about Netflix’s Sex Education’s provocative take on the social model of disability.
CYDA Youth Trainee Georgia Ferrari on how the hit NBC show Community gets neurodiverse representation right.
Mel Bell writes about the BookTok famous fantasy novel ‘Fourth Wing’ and its depiction of chronic illness and disability.
Grace Garrahy talks about the many ups and downs of her journey accessing the NDIS.
Louise Weekley talks about how her idea of leadership has been influenced by her experience of disability and changed over time.
Grace Garrahy talks about the lifesaving and life-changing impact of disability representation in leadership and employment.
Dylan McBurney offers tips and advice for the workplace, based on their experience as a professional stage manager with disability.
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© Children and Young People With Disability Australia 2023.