Youth Voice

Content by young people with disability. Talking about policy, advocacy and lived experience.

A young person working in a hospitality setting, slicing bread, young person is wearing a black apron and smiling towards the task they are doing.

Lessons from my first employer

“In my first job, I, unfortunately, experienced a lack of support as a disabled person. I believe that this came from their lack of awareness, not necessarily a place of malice.” Emily Unity reflects on their first experience of employment, what they’ve learned, and what they would do differently now.

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Breaking news banner with breaking crossed out and Abelist in red text above it.

Ableist Media Myths

As a disabled young person, it’s heartbreaking to be bombarded by media that perpetuates ableist attitudes and myths. Especially with the recent federal budget, it’s awful to see headlines that paint people like me as a burden to society or a drain on the economy. I am writing this reflection to disrupt the normalised ableist narrative and bust the media myths that perpetuate it.

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