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CYDA calls for more clarity and co-design as new NDIS rules take effect
Today, over 660,000 Australians with disability face a challenging new reality as transitional rules for the NDIS come into effect.

Inclusion must remain at the heart of early childhood reforms
Children and Young People with Disability Australia is pleased to see the Productivity Commission’s report into early childhood education and care echo longstanding calls for stronger inclusion.

Where is the stable work for young people?
When formal training and years of experience still don’t lead to ongoing work – Ashleigh Keating writes about the struggle to find stable employment as a young person with disability.

Bringing disabled stories into the classroom
CYDA Inclusion Coordinator Laura Pettenuzzo discusses the power of having genuine disability representation in books in this article for Education Australia.

The Disabled Employee Podcast – Episode 4: When the contract ends
Young people with disability often find that the work available to them is short-term contract work. So, how do you deal when you are regularly facing unemployment at the end of your latest contract? Dureece, Thanh and Britt talk about finding the next opportunity, the impact of being of being in limbo between jobs, and the pitfalls of the Disability Support Pension.

Government must honour co-design and prioritise participants after flawed NDIS Bill passes
Children and Young People with Disability Australia calls on the Federal Government to prioritise participants and deliver genuine co-design in the wake of the NDIS Amendment Bill passing this week.

Disability Royal Commission – a guide to how governments responded, and what it means for you
Federal, state, and territory governments have recently published their responses to the Disability Royal Commission. Let’s break down what they said about the recommendations most likely to impact children and young people with disability.

The Disabled Employee Podcast – Episode 3: Reignite your spark
Britt, Dureece and Thanh talk about leaving bad work situations as young people with disability, the emotional impact of being without work, and reigniting your spark.

New Education Agreement would continue trend of exclusion of students with disability
Children and Young People with Disability Australia is deeply disappointed to see the new Better and Fairer Schools Agreement 2025-2034 overlook the needs of students with disability.

Government response to violence against people with disability deeply disappointing
Today’s Federal, State and Territory government response to our four-and-a-half-year Disability Royal Commission is deeply disappointing and fails to respond to the scale of violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of people with disability.

CYDA calls for Federal leadership on inclusive education in wake of disappointing DRC government response
Today’s government response to the Disability Royal Commission is deeply unsettling for children and young people with disability.
The Federal Government’s decision to merely ‘note’ the recommendation to phase out segregated education, and the lack of clear commitment from states and territories, is a disappointing shirking of responsibility.

The peanut butter problem
Dureece Moyden on what disability pride means to him: not parades, cheering, and celebration, but the right to exist without being judged.